Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Zealand in a short blog

was in New Zealand from the 26th of June until the 12th of July.

hey guys i completely apologize for not writing on this blog in forever... i have been to NZ and back and i am still in newcastle, but it is only 4 days until i leave. i will be home the 21st around ten in the morning... New zealand though was absolutely beautiful! it was of course freezing cold.. and at times it made me kind of lazy and i didnt want to go anywhere sometimes, but it wa still one of the best experiences i have done in awhile!

first we took a plane to christchurch and were there for a few days. (just 3 actually) first night we got in we had originally planned to stay in the airport since we got in late enough, but ended up just leaving to a hostel for the night. we got a shuttle into the center of town and met a few people in out shuttle. they were the same crazy energetic people we had on our flight and actually got to meet them so that was fun!. we got to our hostel that night at 2 in the morning and had to leave by like 10 to check out and get to our hostel we had booked. we had ended up booking a place way outside of the center square in CHC (the square was called cathedral square) so we got to walk all the way there.. in weather like 30 degrees or something... that night the All Blacks(the New Zealand Rugby team) were playing in town nearby and unfort we couldnt get tickets so we went to a pub, had some dinner and watched the game. those few days we were there allison and i just really walked around seeing the different sights people said were a must to see.

then a few days later we hopped on a bus for about like 8 hours and headed to queenstown. there we found our first accomodation place that ended up being up on the way to one of the main skiing mountains and so we ended up just chilling there. it was a super nice ski resort that must have had a good deal going on when we found it. it has a bowling alley and a spa and sauna. needless to say we staying in the room the whole two days we were there and drank lots of tea and kept our electric blankets on. here in queenstown it did snow and it was colder than christchurch. two days later we went to our next accomodation which was in town across from the lake. clod as it was, we were completely amazed of the beauty of where we were. the mountain came up right next to the lake which was right next to our hostel. basically it was an amazing sight. first night we went out with a few people in our hostel room and went out exploring. went to this place called minus 5 which is a place negative 5 degrees celcius. In it they have ice scultures and you can get one drink in there and they put it in a cup made of ice. luckily they give you a huge jacket and mittens and such to keep you warm. also afterwards we headed to a bar/pizza place that apparently when the dance floor is full of people they open the roof. we were there for a little, then realized the roof wasnt going to open for another few hours and it was like midnight so instead we all went home. next day in the hostel i met three guys from Albuquerque new mexico and we played cards like the whole day teaching each other new games. then that night we went out to a big burger plane in queenstown called Fergburger.

The next day the fun began. (sarcasm) we hopped on a bus back to Queenstown (or attempted to) but just a few hours in we stopped at a bathroom stop and the bus driver decided to turn back around to Queenstown cause the weather was bad in the pass we were about to go through. instead of wanting to turn around allison and i met a couple girls that also did not want to turn around and go back to Queenstown so instead we all hopped on a bus that went more south but towards the east more in hopes that once in Dunedin (our final destinations) we could find a bus then back up the coast to Christchurch to catch a plane. by this time (due to the reroute) we had missed our plane and we had to call and switch it. when we finally got into dunedin we caught a bus an hour later up to CHC it was midnight so we decided to just get to the airport (our flight was early in the morning) and just sleep there. i made a friend in the airport that lived in sydney and ended up not sleeping in the airport like more than 45 minutes cause we just sat in the airport talking and giving music advice and all that. around 6 in the morning we boarded our plane to Auckland.

Cousin David picked me and Allison up from our plane and i spent about 8 days or so in Auckland. we visited heaps of places. we went to The Zoo, the Kelly Tarlton Aquarium, One tree Hill (literally though no Tree Hill), The Aucklan Museum and just taken around the city. i came home the 12th and took the train (by myself cause Allison then went straight home while i had another week in Newie).