Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just another day in newcastle...

Today matty lovegrove, a friend of mine came over earlyish in the morning and watched boondock saints and some flight of the concord episodes with me. We then got picked up by Babs with Monique and Katie and headed off to a Rugby league game. Unfortunately we lost the game by 2…sad day…. Afterwards we ran over to a friends house to let me borrow a jumper and pick up some clothes, then headed to DJ and Babs house to have some dinner. We then headed off to church and finally CAR PARK SOCCER!!!!! It was amazing…again! I love love love playing this game…. Somehow, for some reason, either I became a magnet for goal shots on my team’s goal, or I stopped being scared of the goal and made sure I was in the line of fire, but I ended up being hit about 5 times per leg by the ball blocking a harsh hit in attempt for a goal. It was great for my team but it was a little painful…. Afterwards we headed home stopping at mackers (McDonalds of course..) then got dropped off at home around midnight. With only having about 4 and a half hours of sleep I was pretty tired. so i crashed almost immediately.

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