Monday, April 13, 2009


Well today was another chill day, although i am pretty stoked to say that I really have been learning my way around melbourne already. I can get to most needed places by memory and it is only the second day. i actually told allison that she and I need to come back since we have  already memorized the city.  

First off we set off to go to china town. it was actually quite uneventful actually and found ourself done a lot earlier walking through it than planned. then we walked up maybe a couple miles or so to the melbourne museum. We knew that we may or may not get in for free depending on if they will let us in as "students" or not (its dumb the way they do student prices here, they call it concession and it is technically only for Aussie born or exchange students, not study abroad..lame). we ended up getting in  for free.. which is always awesome and definitely needed for us poor study abroad college students. in the museum they had many many exhibits. some were about the aboriginals and the "stolen generation" which is aboriginal children that were taken away form their families by the government of australia when they first started colonizing australia. there are many reason why they may have taken the children and i and actually writing a paper on that soon, so by may 1st (when my paper is due) i will have a reason for you as to why they stole the children from their families... anyways... besides the aboriginal exhibits they had a mind and body exhibit which i found quite interesting. the body section of the exhibit was a little redundant to me for i had seen it all many times from the body world exhibit at the science center in LA and also from anatomy class, but the mind section was super interesting... in tis section it showed about the toll different disorders or diseases have on your bosy whch was especially interesting for me to see being a psychology major and all. it was interesting and fun for me to read up on my schooling... haha. after that there was a small exhibit for dinosaurs which was pretty fun to go through and look at. they actually had a 3d little short movie set up for people to come in and watch. i think... that my father will be very happy when i say.... going to this museum made me really appreciate all the times as a kid we went to history and just any other kind of museums. it made re appreciate how much i was encouraged as a child to learn more about the world around me. it felt good to go around this interactive museum and learn more and more about all these things that i have mentioned. i really loved the feeling of discovering any new thing the museum had to offer to me. it made me excited to WANT to go around and look at the different things at the museum. that is all. i am a nerd. i take after the family... hahahaha.

one of my favorite exhibits though was the exhibit for the Melbourne Cup horse winner PHAR LAP. this horse help save the sanity of Australia during the great depression. while the world was having a difficult time dealing the economic crisis, this horse helped the Australians keep up their spirits. this horse won 37 out of his 51 races in just a few years time. the whole time i kept thinking of my sister Brett and how much i really wanted her to be there and see that exhibit. she would have loved it so much... they even had a really old Breyer horse of Phar Lap on display and i just wish i could have gotten it for her...

after the  museum found a popular street called Brunswick street and walked down it a little. unfortunately we went after 5 which is apparently the popular time to close up shop out in Australia so most things were closed which actually was better for us, so we were not as tempted to buy stuff.... afterwards we walked home... the short way since we are now pro at learning streets in melbourne.... now we are just back at the apartment that we are staying at. we watched a movie called Picture Perfect and have been working on booking our NZ trip...... i think ill be able to blog tomorrow... as for the day tomorrow we have just  bunch of sight seeing stuff planned..... talk to you soon... miss you all...


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