Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Newcastle Knights win!!!!!

well. I went to a rugby game sunday...... We took the train a few stops over to the stadium. We went to see the Newcastle Knights and of course we won! -because we are awesome!!!! allison and I got these pretty cool but cheat jersey type things that were only 20 bucks! afterwards we walked over to get some food and drinks at a bar nearby and just hung out there. after wards we took taxis to our friends house and just hung out there for the rest of the night. its always nice to have just a chilled out day.
here are the pics for it>

o and btw... allison and I are traveling down to melbourne for break. we leave in 4 days and will be there for like 7 or 8 days. we may or may not also try to make it to adelaide and kangaroo island. we will see........ more on all that later!

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