Saturday, February 21, 2009


Great Barrier Reef Day was incredible and full of new things.... bright and early at 6:15 we wake up ready for our amazing day of snorkeling and scuba diving. The entire day was full of lots and lots of sunscreen, laying around, and then of course some finally a few opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving. I tried a little scuba diving. it was pretty sic. Words cannot describe how amazing the view was. The water is so blue and clear and just breathtaking. I wish everyone could at some point in their life, go see the great barrier reef. Never have i ever been snorkeling or scuba diving. I absolutely love it. It was amazing sharing an ocean space with such amazing animals just chilling our in their ocean. It was crazy swimming with the bigger animals and at times found myself a little afraid to swim so close to the animals, and I was out of the water when someone spotted a tiny shark. But all in all it was an absolutely amazing day. Also, the group accompanying me was all people i was either living with, would be living with, or just people also attending my school. This was the day i met a bunch of friends that I have been hanging out with everyday. i think i may have found some amazing people that i get to spend my next 4 to 5 months with. That night we went to the Lagoon which was a huge pool on the beach because apparently the beach in cairns is crappy. But the lagoon was really nice to jump in after the great barrier reef when were were sweating like crazy and al gross from the ocean. That night we went out on the town in Cairns and just really experienced Cairns for the first time. such a amazing start to our Cairns orientation.

here is my link to my Great barrier reef pictures....

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