Sunday, February 15, 2009


Allison and I arrived finally in Cairns, Australia to begin our first leg of our trip.... We first finally departed from LAX at 11:00 pm for our long flight... we then got into Sydney and after going through customs and exchanging our money and finding our baggage, we sat in the airport for 5 hours waiting for our next flight. Next we arrived in Carins to find not a rainy colder weather like Sydney was, but a hot and humid temperature... kinda really gross..... We finally figured out how to get a taxi and got to our hostel with much fumbling and droping over of our bags.... we met a frisn that is going to the University of Queensland and is here for the Australearn orientation as well. He is actually staying with us in our hostel room. it is really nice to have another friend with us to keep us less lost than if it was just allison and I. It is currently 6:02 and we are now just walking around the area a little before we will probably head back to the hostel, take showers and get to bed early cause we are so dang tired... tomorrow we will figure out a way, somehow, to locate the rest of the Australearn group and begin our planned out adventures in Cairns. Hopefully these activities will involve air conditioned rooms or pools.... i will try to blog soon... unfortunately in Cairns here, we do not have wireless internet at least in the hostel..... bye for now!

adding to this post.... some pictures of our traveling and the first day in Cairns.


  1. Glad you made it safely. Hope the luggage hasn't been too much of a hassle. And now you can say you have experienced an Australian summer.
    What's a frisn? Keep blogging! 2- different people asked about you yesterday. I will point them to the blog!

  2. I meant 20...I was asked questions about you all day. "Read her blog."
